Ch. 5: Sting of the Poison Hornet (MOON)
Suddenly, a small black form flew out of the nearby thicket.
As it neared Apis, I immediately stuck out my arm.
OO: "…!"
It was a hornet.
It flew around in an arc, but turned back and…
OO: "…ouch!"
There was a prick and a shock of pain shot through the back of my hand.
Apis: "…OO!"
Apis rushed over and took my hand.
Then he placed his lips on the back of my hand and sucked out the poison.
OO: "…!"
The place where his lips touched was hot.
It’s like it’s burning…
Apis anxiously looked at my hand.
Apis: "That hornet’s poison goes into effect immediately…This is just for my peace of mind. You’ll need to take the antidote immediately…!"
I feel kind of funny…
Apis: "OO…!?"
The scene in front of me started to warp and Apis’ shouting became distant.
And like that, I lost consciousness.