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Ch. 3: 100 People


Clown: "Now then, seeing as being a mother is a job, I only need two more people."


OO: "Then it’s time to search for the next person."


We walked down the main street in search of the next target when…


Young Woman: "Help! Thief!"


OO: "…!? Oh no…!"


But before anyone could step in to help, the thief snatched up the woman’s purse and ran off.


It happened so suddenly that I got flustered, and Clown put his hand on my shoulder.


Clown: "Looks like we’ve found our next target."


Eh, next target…



  • You don’t mean…the thief!? (SUN)

  • The woman who was attacked? (MOON)














Thief: "Move it ya bastard!"


The robber brandished a knife and rushed at Clown.


But Clown paid it no mind as he deflected the attack and continued his performance.


Thief: "Don’t mock me!"


Moving like in a pantomime, Clown kept avoiding the thief’s attacks.


Clown: "Your eyes aren’t very sharp for a thief. I assume something must have happened to force you to start stealing."


Thief: "W-what’d you say!?"


Clown nimbly took the knife from the robber’s hand.


Then he pulled a flower out of thin air, and changed the knife into a gold coin before handing them over.


Thief: "Wha-? This is…for me?"


Clown: "It was simply an illusion, but if it can bring a smile back to your face…"


Thief: "…man, thanks. This should cover my mom’s medicine!"


The fierce look in the thief’s eyes turned to a smile of joy.


In that moment, Clown held his silk hat in his hand and a pure white dove flew out.


Thief: "Thank you Mr. Clown."


The woman who had been attacked was given her purse back, and the thief went off in another direction.


Clown: "And that makes 99."


I noticed a faint scratch on Clown’s makeup, and as I approached…



  • Take out a handkerchief (SUN)

  • Worry about his injury (MOON)
















OO: "Oh, good…you weren’t hurt!"


I was relieved, and Clown smiled at me. And then...


Clown: "Yes, and now my long journey has come to an end."


OO: "Eh…?"


Clown: "OO, you are my 100th person!"


There was a pop and colorful confetti fluttered down around us.


OO: "You don’t mean…the thief!?"


Clown: "Precisely."


OO: "That’s’ dangerous!"

Clown winked at me, unconcerned, and nimbly moved to in front of the robber.

OO: "The woman who was attacked?"


Clown: "Nope, my 99th target is...the thief!"


OO: "But...that's dangerous!"


Clown: "It's alright, I have everything under control."


Clown smiled as if to reassure me and moved in front of the thief. 

OO: "Are you hurt...?"


I got close and Clown looked at me in surprise. 


Clown: "Were you worried about me? Thank you. But this is nothing." 


Clown took a red cloth from his pocket and concealed his face. 


In an instant, the red cloth disappeared, and the face it revealed was free of any injury. 

I took a handkerchief from my pocket and reached out to wipe off his cheek.


Clown: "You’re very kind…but this nothing."


It was different from his normal clownish behavior, and a soft smile graced his face as he snapped his fingers.


The mark on his cheek vanished completely.

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