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Ch. 7: An Unexpected Event (MOON)


After that, Foia went and talked with the people of the town, and the construction of the Ark Plant continued to move forward.


But one day…


Worker: "My Prince! The building…something terrible has happened…!!"


The workers rushed into the castle hall, out of breath.


OO: "!?"


Foia: "What’s going on!? What happened!?"


Worker: "The plant…"


The man spoke of how the people who were against the construction of the facility had somehow burned down the entire storage area near the building using magic.


OO: "That’s awful…and when it was so near completion. We have to go check on it!"


Foia: "Wait! Stay here, it’ll be too dangerous."


OO: "I’ll be fine! Please, let me go with you."


Foia: "…fine. But you have to do exactly as I say. Got it?"


And so we hurried towards the Ark Plant construction site.


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