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Story - Corail

Guys, I'm so sorry I haven't translated anything in so long. It's constantly been on my mind, and I know Corail isn't much of a consolation, but I really am trying to get back into things even with grad school taking up most of my time. We'll see how it goes.

Corail, the first of the fishy boys, is now translated in all his pinkish glory. For random notes, I'm not a huge fan of Corail because I don't like the really young princes or the really effeminate ones, and Corail seems to hit both. I don't care what the wiki says, there is NO WAY this boy is 18.

Corail, the first of the fishy boys, is now translated in all his pinkish glory. The only comment I have here on his translation is the word 薬 (kusuri) which comes up in chapters 4-6 of both routes. It most directly translates to 'medicine' and you see it in big print on pharmacies in Japan. However in this story, 'medicine' didn't really seem right. I've also heard it translated as 'drug' or 'pill' but none of that seemed to work. So I've decided to go with 'serum' in my translation. It may not be the best choice, but it worked for me!

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