So I've admittedly been sitting on Douglas' translation for a while and just hadn't finished the final chapter... but this weekend I finally got to it and posted him!
Compared with Rosso (our other pirate prince), Douglas speaks a little more eloquently, but not overly so. Rosso has a rougher sound to his voice and his dialogue, where Douglas doesn't. I'm not sure if I was accurately able to make that distinction if you read the two stories side-by-side, but I tried. Also there is no Bonita in this story. If you were hoping for an appearance from that little monkey, you'll be disappointed. And I realize some people may not want to read the sexier story endings (no judgement, to each their own!) so I'll give you a heads-up that the Moon Route final chapter gets sexy.
The one thing that was difficult with this translation, and really Rosso and Corail too, was the use of the word 海 (umi). I may have mentioned this in Rosso's translation when I did his, but I'm not sure. 海 has a couple possible translations, including 'ocean' and 'sea'. In English, we have a good handle on what an ocean is and how it's different from a sea. The Japanese, however, is not so clear. I initially translated it as 'sea' because I thought it sounded better. But in Douglas' story, they make mention of 'West Ocean Hall' which is written out in katakana as ウエストオーシャンホール. There is no mistaking here the word 'ocean'. Which means... I've probably been wrong using the translation of 'sea' for 海 this whole time. I really didn't want to go through and change every instance of the word in Rosso, Corail, and Douglas' story, plus the event story, their correlation story, and Douglas' Aruhi story, even if it would technically be more accurate. So I've left it as 'sea'. And I still think it sounds better anyway. Just goes to show, sometimes there's no knowing what the right translation of a word is until they randomly decide to use English and spell it out in katakana for you!