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Translating - A Year in Dreams


Something I wanted to work on was figuring out the timeline for the World of Dreams. I was just curious. Originally I made a note of which princes had their stories happening in which month as I translated them, hoping to figure it out from there based on context clues.

But then I realized I could look back at old event stories. I checked, and events take place in game time in the same month as they are in real life, so all the August events say they take place in 輝の月. Thanks to the list of past events on the wiki, I was able to look at the list, find ones that took place in a certain month, locate the princes that were in the event in the game, cycle through to the event version, go to the main event story, and read the first line of the prologue which often contains the month. This is something you can do without having any versions of the prince too, so it was really easy. I'm glad GCrest unlocks event stories for everyone to read after a couple months of the event ending!


Translating the months proved to be a bit of a challenge because they aren't simply using the Japanese calendar, it's a fictitious calendar (though they still have Valentine's Day and Christmas...). So I took a lot of liberties when translating the months and trying to make them sound like they made sense. I could have just left the kanji and not translated the months at all, but where's the fun in that?

Here is the month in kanji from the game (linking the first kanji to the dictionary so you can look at the different readings and meanings if you want. の月 is always no gatsu which means 'Month of'), what I have chosen to translate it as, and what it would be in the modern calendar. Some months, like the 2nd and 3rd, are pre

tty straight-forward in their translations, but there are a couple like the 1st and 4th that have more varied meanings and I had to use my best judgement on choosing one.

の月 - Month of Completion - January

の月 - Month of White - February

の月 - Month of Calm - March

の月 - Month of Sunlight - April

の月 - Month of Color - May

の月 - Month of Azure - June

の月 - Month of Rainbow - July

の月 - Month of Brilliance - August

の月 - Month of Fragrance - September

の月 - Month of Air - October

の月 - Month of Shadow - November

の月 - Month of Stars - December

Now when you read the stories, you'll have a better idea of where in the year they take place!

As I said before, I was making a list of princes (that I've translated so far) and their story months, so I'll include that too for no other reason than to make me feel like I didn't waste my time doing it before I realized the event story thing.

  1. Month of Completion - Antares, Carlo

  2. Month of White - Guido, Rosso

  3. Month of Calm - Apis

  4. Month of Sunlight - Avi, Kaine, Toni

  5. Month of Color - Aldebaran

  6. Month of Azure - none so far

  7. Month of Rainbow - Foia

  8. Month of Brilliance - Leonie, Sharon, Toto

  9. Month of Fragrance - Vim

  10. Month of Air - Eins, Sky, Spica

  11. Month of Shadow - Dulfer, Forma, Jay, Raith, Sakia

  12. Month of Stars - Medi

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